Posts with tag: "Craftsman of Photographic Arts"
Thursday, May 02, 2019
By Lisa Brice of Brice Photography

May 2-2019 This past weekend I was in Montreal at Canadian Imaging which is put on by the Professional Photographers of Canada. Each year they recognize photographers who achieve designations within the association. I am super excited to achieve my first designation, The Craftsman of Photographic Arts and joined six others who achieved theirs. This award is achieved by service (attending educational events and volunteering) as well as print points submitting and hanging images in competition as well as gaining accreditation's. I am a six time accredited member as well as have had eight images in the past three years accepted in competition. In the next couple of years, I hope to achieve my masters, for now I am going to hang on to the high I am on right now. Thank you to all of my clients, model calls, and family who have supported me on this journey. I love what the PPOC brings to its members in education and achievements. It is one wonderful family across Canada. A toast to all Professional Photographers across this nation.